British Meat Processors Association
British Meat Processors Association

The leading trade body for the British meat industry.

Our industry employs around 97,000 people and is worth £8.2 billion a year to the UK. We are the voice of British meat processing.

Latest Updates

BMPA at work

meat processing worker

Representing Our Members

We work closely with Governments, regulators and other industry groups.

pigs on a farm

BMPA Pork Scheme

BMPA is the standard behind the widely recognised Red Tractor consumer logo.

meat on production line

Industry Briefings

Valuable market intelligence to give our members a competitive advantage.

Westminster London

Government Consultations

A way to influence and shape policy and legislation before it enters Parliament.


National Audit Office assesses value-for-money of Defra’s support and incentives

In its third report on Defra's Farming and Countryside Programme, the National Audit office scrutinises how well it's being managed, what impact it's had on farm productivity and how well it is delivering on environmental outcomes and food production.

live pigs

Join the Pork Scheme

Join and be part of the standard behind the Red Tractor.

meat industry workers

Become a member

BMPA members account for a large share of the meat sector in the UK.