British Meat Processors Association
British Meat Processors Association

Meat Industry CEOs’ plea to government over damaging new immigration rule

With the new one-size-fits-all £38,700 immigration rule about to be implemented, there’s a sense of desperation amongst the biggest UK meat companies that represent over £8bn in GDP and rely on skilled overseas staff to keep Britain supplied with meat. 

And yet Government is plowing ahead with this seismic policy change without a proper understanding of the damage it will cause.

We’ve written to James Clevery to explain the issues and his response makes it clear that he simply doesn’t appreciate the scale of the problem.

So we’re now writing to Minister of State Tom Pursglove to ask for an urgent meeting with our members so they can lay out the damaging consequences of this policy including food inflation, withdrawal of investment, weakened domestic food security and lower economic growth.

Read our letter to Tom Pursglove (PDF)

Read our letter to James Cleverly (PDF)

About BMPA

The British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) is the leading trade association for the meat and meat products industry in the UK.


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