Articles involving: EU
28 Feb, 2025
BMPA puts the case for EU alignment to MPs
EU, Exports, Northern Ireland,
This week, BMPA's CEO Nick Allen appeared before the newly established All Party Parliamentary Group on Europe at a meeting to discuss potential SPS alignment with…
21 Feb, 2025
New EU farming strategy: fewer rules and less foreign competition
EU, Farming,
According to a Guardian article this week, the EU's new Vision for Agriculture and Food places more emphasis on protecting European farmers through stricter import standards…
24 Jan, 2025
What is PEM and why is it not a customs union?
You'll have heard all over the news today that the UK has been invited to join the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean convention (PEM) to establish closer trade ties with…
06 Dec, 2024
Possible ripple effects into the UK of the EU / Mercosur deal
Beef, EU, Exports, Imports,
Recent geopolitical developments appear to have galvanised EU and South American negotiators into action to finalise the two-decades long trade deal negotiations. But the effects will…
26 Nov, 2024
New EU food labelling rules could mean big costs for producers
EU, Labelling,
The European Commission is expected to adopt new food labelling recommendations that could significantly increase costs for food and drink producers. The aim is to simplify…
04 Oct, 2024
EU deforestation regulation postponed, but UK government still has work to do
Beef, EU, EUDR,
This week's announcement that the European Commission is to delay the implementation of the new EU deforestation regulation has been met with considerable relief in the…
20 Sep, 2024
Impending EU deforestation regulation hits some tricky internal politics
Beef, EU, EUDR,
With the 30 December deadline fast approaching and still no sign of the promised guidance from the European Commission, the implementation of the European Deforestation Regulation…
09 Aug, 2024
Sam Lowe’s latest take on a veterinary agreement
Brexit, EU,
We always enjoy Sam Lowe’s weekly Most Favoured Nation blog. He’s a self-confessed trade nerd and has a pithy knack of illuminating even the most convoluted…
01 Aug, 2024
Brussels sets conditions for improved UK-EU relations
Brexit, EU,
Brussels has issued a warning to the UK in a paper this week, stipulating that it must fully implement existing Brexit agreements concerning Northern Ireland and…
19 Jul, 2024
New bill paves the way for smoother trade with the EU
Brexit, EU,
Buried in the accompanying notes to the King’s Speech is a section on the new Product Safety and Metrology Bill which, if extended to food products…
20 Jun, 2024
Labour’s plans could mitigate but not reverse economic damage to economy
Brexit, EU, Exports,
New analysis out this week from UK in a Changing Europe has looked at the impact on trade that Labour’s plans for closer alignment with the…
13 Jun, 2024
Implication of new EU deforestation rules for UK companies
EU, Exports,
From 30 December 2024 it will be unlawful for all large companies with over 250 employees to place products onto the EU market (which in this…
16 Apr, 2024
Could this new EU proposal on free movement solve our labour shortage?
EU, Immigration, Recruitment,
This week saw the EU propose opening negotiations with the UK to allow 18–30-year-olds free movement for up to four years. Such movement would not restrict…