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British Meat Processors Association
British Meat Processors Association
Cows in a field

Lucas Daglish introduces BMPA’s sustainability agenda

My name is Lucas Daglish and I have the privilege of being recently appointed to the role of Sustainability Manager at the British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) as part of the on-going restructure and growth of the organisation.

My food industry experience over the past forty years has been gained working in the hospitality sector in a variety of operational and senior food procurement roles concluding recently as group food and beverage policy manager for the UK’s largest leisure company. Since 2006 my work has focused on cross species red meat procurement, animal welfare policy implementation and livestock sustainability in the UK and internationally. In addition to my industry experience I have a master’s degree in food policy from City University of London, awarded in 2019 which I will use to good effect in my new role. 

I have joined the BMPA as the British meat industry faces profound challenges on the sustainability, health and animal welfare fronts. As sustainability manager, through collaboration with our members and other red meat industry bodies, my role will support the development of a positive image of British meat production for consumers, NGO’s, government, and other food trade associations. 

Drawing on the expertise of BMPA members, I will be developing a deeper understanding of the sustainability challenges they face, the commitments they have made so far and how they are progressing toward their goals.

Over time I will further develop the BMPA Sustainable British Meat website and introduce a more co-ordinated structure to the messaging on sustainability initiatives across the red meat sector. I also see this as an opportunity, using our expertise and science, to challenge some of the misinformation directed toward livestock production. I will seek to establish a forum to share best practice within the UK red meat sector and to better promote the work of UK livestock farming and the red meat industry in sustainable production as well as our sector’s contribution to both national and international sustainability objectives.

I am really looking forward to working with our members and the wider meat industry to implement and drive this cross-sector collaborative agenda. Along with the rest of the BMPA team, I will be working to increase awareness and understanding of our industry’s credentials in animal welfare and sustainability as well as the unique issues we face. We will also continue to promote the often-misunderstood role that meat plays in providing the public with a nutrient rich, healthy and balanced diet.

Before I sign off this month, on behalf of the team at BMPA I would like to say thank you to Peter Hardwick for his contribution to Meat Management over the past three and a half years. I’m sure you will agree that using his considerable expertise Peter has provided clarity and insight into the complexities of Brexit import and export requirements and the implications of decisions made by the UK and EU on the British meat sector.

Lucas Daglish - BMPA Sustainability Manager

About Lucas Daglish

Lucas is Sustainability Manager at the British Meat Processors Association (BMPA). He has worked in a variety of operational and senior food procurement roles in the hospitality sector. Since 2006 he has been focused on red meat procurement, animal welfare policy implementation and livestock sustainability in his previous roles as Senior Category Buyer and then Group Food and Beverage Policy Manager at Whitbread PLC.


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