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British Meat Processors Association
British Meat Processors Association

Standards & regulation

As the peak body for the British meat industry, BMPA and its members are committed to raising the bar and maintaining the UK industry’s international reputation for high standards.

This industry is already highly regulated but we provide additional guidance and advice both to members and policy makers to encourage not just compliance but constant improvement.

BMPA owns and manages the BMPA Pork Scheme, which sets part of the standard for the well-known Red Tractor consumer logo. We also contribute to ongoing Government consultations on all aspects of the transportation, slaughter, cutting and processing operations our members are involved in.

BMPA owns and manages the BMPA Pork Scheme, which sets part of the standard for the well-known Red Tractor consumer logo.

We are sensitive to changes in what British consumers are asking for and their concerns about the quality and sustainability of their food supply. Part of our role is to listen to these concerns and then work with our members and the wider industry to address them. Over the years, this approach has resulted in a much better regulated and more transparent meat industry.

Maintaining standards into the future

The UK meat industry has some of the highest standards of hygiene and welfare in the world. The UK also has some of the highest production costs and meat prices in the world.

Currently, tariff free trading within the EU (whose standards our industry uses) sustains a growing, stable meat industry here in the UK. Should this change, our competitiveness may come under pressure.

We are fighting to have many existing EU regulations converted into UK law in order to ensure continued access to our biggest export market. While we can see opportunities to reduce ‘red tape’ and introduce smarter regulation going forward, we also believe it is important to maintain the high standards for which Britain has become known. As we leave the EU we do not want to see our standards compromised and hard won initiatives reversed at the expense of the British consumer.

More information about our ongoing work to improve standards and working practices in the industry can be found in the Our Work section of this website.

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