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British Meat Processors Association
British Meat Processors Association

Representing the industry

The key role of the BMPA is to act as a conduit between Government and the meat industry to safeguard the interests of our members as well as the businesses and consumers they serve.

We work closely with governments, regulatory bodies and other industry groups throughout the UK, Europe and worldwide, in particular The Food Standards Agency (FSA) and the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) who regulate the meat industry. We believe that through co-operation and shared experience, we are best placed to further the interests of our members and improve standards.

One of the central drivers behind our work is to maintain and improve the hard-won reputation of the British meat industry

Our involvement spans most links in the food chain from animal health and welfare, antimicrobial resistance, food traceability, genetic improvement and bio-security management through to nutrition and industry assurance.

We maintain a constant dialogue with key industry participants and provide a central forum for collaboration. We also conduct research, respond to Government consultations and work closely with regulators and other industry partners to help shape and implement new legislation.

One of the central drivers behind our work is to maintain and improve the hard-won reputation of the British meat industry, which is seen by many around the world as a model for best practice resulting in some of the highest standards.

The following list shows the organisations and groups in which we play an active role either as members, advisers or close working partners:

  • UECBV (L’Union Européenne du Commerce du Bétail et des Métiers de la Viande – a Brussels based member organisation for EU national meat processing associations
  • CLITRAVI (Centre de Liaison des Industries Transformatrices de Viandes de l’Union Européene) – a Brussels based member organisation for EU national meat manufacturers associations
  • Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture
  • United Kingdom Export Certification Partnership
  • Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (AHDB)
  • Red Tractor Beef and Lamb Board
  • Food and Drink Federation Brexit Round Table
  • Livestock Industry Brexit Group
  • Defra Traceability Design Board – part of Defra Livestock Information Programme
  • Food Standards Agency Partnership Working Group
  • Food Standards Agency/industry Steering Group on Meat Charging
  • British Retail Consortium Technical Advisory Committee
  • Defra Pig Health and Welfare Council Food Safety sub-group
  • Defra Pig Core Group
  • National Pig Association Producers Group
  • Defra Bovine Electronic Identification Working Group
  • Environment Agency Food and Drink Industry Liaison Group
  • Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Regulation Business Expert (Food Standards and Labelling) – also group member and chair of Meat Subgroup
  • Defra Food Authenticity Steering Group and Virtual Network for Food Authenticity Analysis
  • Defra Authenticity Methodology Working Group (AMWG)
  • Food Standards Agency Codex Committee Working Group on Food Additives
  • Food Network High Level Steering Group (HLSG) – Salt Working Group
  • Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Methods Committee – Nitrogen Sub-Factors Group

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