British Meat Processors Association
British Meat Processors Association

BMPA welcomes Anna Proffit to the team

Anna Proffitt joins the British Meat Processors Association on Monday 1st April as Policy Technical Manager. Having graduated with a BSc 1st class Honours in Food and Consumer Studies from Harper Adams University Food she went on to gain experience at ASDA’s head office working with its Food Safety team on retail operations and compliance.

She moves to BMPA from her current role at Flamingo Horticulture where she has been managing the Cooperative and Nisa accounts as part of the Graduate Leadership Scheme.

Nick Allen, CEO of BMPA said: “We’re very much looking forward to welcoming Anna into the new BMPA team. She already has experience in the food retail environment but, just as important is the energy and drive she brings to the position.

“We look forward to introducing her to all our members and partners over the coming months”.

About BMPA

The British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) is the leading trade association for the meat and meat products industry in the UK.


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