British Meat Processors Association
British Meat Processors Association

Peter Hardwick interview on the BTOM with Farming Today

Speaking to the BBC’s Farming Today on Thursday morning, Peter Hardwick, BMPA’s Trade Policy Advisor explained the issues surrounding the introduction of new border checks as the new Border Target Operating Model for imports gets underway.

He particularly focused on the implications of imposing a 24 hour pre-notification requirement which is simply not suited to the just-in-time supply chain for short shelf-life meat products. It’s a small, technical detail that most consumers wouldn’t be aware of, but it’s a big deal for the efficiency and cost of UK food supplies. We’re currently lobbying Government to deal with this issue before 30 April so we can avoid disruption to food imports.


About BMPA

The British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) is the leading trade association for the meat and meat products industry in the UK.


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